Departmental personnel may temporarily be
assigned to assume the duties and responsibilities
of other personnel without formally changing their
current position assignment.
A. The Rules of the Civil Service Commission, 1978
Rules of the Director, definitions (2-13),
Subchapter 3, Chapter 2 reads:
“Temporary Assignment – means the assignment by
a competent authority and the assumption, without
a formal change in position, of all or a major
portion of the significant duties and responsibilities
of another position.”
B. Collective Bargaining Unit Contract
The applicable provision of the contract shall take precedence.
A. Maintaining Service
l. Prior to requesting temporary assignment,
duties of the absent employee should be distributed
in the following manner:
a. Significant duties and responsibilities
of the position should be assigned to a position
in the next higher level or to another position
at the same level; and
b. The duties of the absent employee should be
divided among others of the same class so that
only a small portion of the tasks of the absent
employee are assigned to any one person.
2. If significant duties and responsibilities
cannot be distributed to others, the element commander
may, when practical, request personnel for temporary assignment.
3. Temporary assignment should not create a succession
of in-line movements.
B. Selecting Employees for Temporary Assignments
1. When applicable, selection for temporary
assignment shall be in accordance with the collective
bargaining unit’s contractual agreement.
2. The employee should have the necessary
skills, knowledge, and ability to perform the work satisfactorily.
3. Nonsupervisory personnel may be considered
for temporary supervisory assignments only if they
have successfully completed department-approved
supervisory training classes.
4. Consideration shall be based on past
performance, attendance, attitude toward the job,
and willingness to accept the assignment.
5. Whenever a period of job orientation or
training may be required, the temporary assignment
shall be deferred until the work can be performed
at the required level.
C. Reporting Requirement
1. The element commander shall submit the request on
the Temporary Assignment Report e-form to the Human
Resources Officer. In circumstances where the
Temporary Assignment Report e-form is not appropriate,
an HPD-493 form may be used. The Human Resources Officer
shall determine whether all conditions are met and if the
temporary assignment should be granted.
2. Assignment to a position above division commander
shall be submitted by the appropriate bureau chief.