The Support Services Bureau (SSB) is responsible
for the departmental property management of all
city-owned and leased facilities and properties
that are under its purview.
The SSB shall:
A. Coordinate all requests and approvals for and
acquisitions of properties for the department;
B. Administer the Capital Improvement Program
(CIP) funds and projects; and
C. Conduct an annual survey to determine current and
future needs relative to operating and storage space
and prepare plans to accommodate those needs.
A. Elements needing additional space shall submit their
requests through the chain of command to the SSB and include:
1. The total square feet and/or cubic feet of space needed;
2. A detailed description of why the space is needed; and
3. A justification for the request.
B. The SSB shall determine if the request can
be considered a CIP project, if adequate space
can be located within another city-owned facility,
or if space will need to be leased.
C. All proposed amendments to already executed
leases shall be forwarded to the SSB for authorization.
A. In preparation for each fiscal year’s budget,
the SSB shall request input for CIP projects with
the assistance of the Management Analyst VI.
1. Any element requesting CIP projects shall
complete the form that is provided by the SSB
and include sufficient justification.
2. One form shall be completed for each project.
3. If a CIP project request is not approved during
one fiscal year, a new request may be submitted
annually until the project is funded or no longer needed.
4. Completed forms shall be submitted through channels
to the SSB by the stated deadline.
B. All requests for CIP projects will be
prioritized and submitted to the city
administration via the Department of Design
and Construction (DDC) and the Department of
Budget and Fiscal Services. The city
administration, in turn, will select specific
project requests for final presentation to the
City Council for possible funding.
C. Departmental personnel may be required to prepare
written testimony and testify before the City Council
for specific CIP projects.
D. When the CIP funds are approved and released,
the SSB shall be responsible for coordinating the
project and will be the Honolulu Police Department’s liaison.
A. If adequate space is available in another
city and county facility, the SSB shall coordinate
the request and obtain approvals.
B. The SSB shall coordinate the renovations
to accommodate the requesting element’s operations.
C. If leasing outside space is required, the SSB shall:
1. Coordinate with the Finance Division to ensure that funds are available;
2. Obtain necessary approvals and coordinate
with the appropriate city agencies;
3. Coordinate any needed renovations;
4. Distribute finalized documents to the requesting
element and the Finance Division;
5. Coordinate with the DDC to extend or terminate
the lease when an existing lease is about to expire; and
6. Authorize any proposed amendments to any existing leases.
The National Storm Water Best Management
Practices guidelines established standards
to minimize pollution in surface and ground runoff water.
A. To comply with these standards, element
commanders should ensure that the following
conditions are properly addressed for facilities under their command:
1. Cleanliness of sidewalks, curbs, and gutters;
2. Prevention of runoff of soil and debris from property;
3. Disposal of grass and tree cuttings as green waste;
4. Proper disposal of oil change boxes and soaked-up oil spills;
5. Proper disposal of pet waste;
6. Proper disposal of excess paint products
and items contaminated with paint products;
7. Restricted use of pesticides and fertilizers
if rain is anticipated and the use of these
products in prescribed amounts as well as proper
disposal of excess amounts;
8. Use of only plain water to wash vehicles unless
a commercial carwash facility is utilized; and
9. Avoidance of storing cleaning products in
excessive amounts so as to pose a hazardous waste situation.
B. Questions regarding the National Storm
Water Best Management Practices and requests
for assistance may be referred to the
department’s Safety Specialist II of the
Professional Standards Office or Automotive
Equipment Superintendent I of the Vehicle Maintenance Section.
The SSB shall distribute a survey each year to:
A. Verify the inventory of currently leased properties; and
B. Obtain information about immediate and future space needs.
The SSB shall coordinate any State of Hawaii and
City and County of Honolulu inquiries and responses
relative to real properties.