The Mountain Bike Team (MBT) conducts operations
that require a fast, mobile, and less confrontational
response to any public demonstration or large
crowd. The MBT can transition to assist the
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), if necessary.
The MBT differs from the bicycle units assigned
to the various districts.
A. Bicycle Detail: A patrol unit that
performs selective enforcement and assignments
as directed by the commander of a patrol district.
B. MBT: A group of officers that include
the various bicycle details and officers
with International Police Mountain Bike
Association (IPMA) or Law Enforcement Bicycle
Association (LEBA) training.
C. MBT Assistant Commander: A sworn officer
of the rank of lieutenant or higher appointed
by the MBT Commander.
D. MBT Commander: A sworn officer with the
rank of captain or higher as designated by
the Chief of Police or designee.
The MBT shall be activated by the MBT
Commander or designee. There are two
situations for which the MBT may be activated:
A. Planned events: Planned events take
place in the future, and the MBT is used
as part of the event. These events
include (but are not limited to) protest
marches, conventions, etc. In a planned
event, the MBT Commander or designee shall
be notified of the need for the MBT at least
a week in advance; or
B. Unplanned events: In circumstances where
unplanned events occur and the MBT is needed
as soon as possible, the MBT Commander shall
be notified as soon as practicable to determine
who needs to be activated.
Operationally, the MBT Commander shall support
the Incident Commander. The MBT Assistant
Commander shall be in the field as needed or
act in place of the MBT Commander if the MBT
Commander is not available.
A. The MBT may be called upon to support
different elements of the police department
as deemed necessary.
B. The MBT shall:
1. Utilize the Incident Command System; and
2. Be familiar with and have been trained with
crowd control tactics for bicycles and be prepared to:
a. Apprehend offender(s);
b. Isolate, maintain, and move areas of civil disorder as needed;
c. Operate in an environment where less-lethal
chemical agents may be present or used;
d. Wear and operate personal protective equipment;
e. Assist with the recovery of injured personnel or civilians; and
f. Provide any other functions that the bicycle training allows.
A. The MBT Commander or designee shall:
1. Ensure that all members of the MBT are
bicycle-certified officers;
2. Ensure that all members are properly
attired and equipped for bicycle training
and activation;
3. Respond when the MBT is activated; and
4. Create and maintain a program that
requires periodic training of all MBT
B. The request for training shall be
routed through the deputy chief of
field operations, assistant chiefs,
and applicable divisional commanders of the MBT.
Unless otherwise ordered by the Chief of
Police or designee, the uniform for this
detail shall be the same as that utilized
by the district bicycle details.
The MBT shall be issued and use the equipment
designated in Policy 2.38, UNIFORMS, EQUIPMENT,
AND FIREARMS, Attachment 2. Additional
equipment may be mandated by the MBT Commander.
If an MBT officer is issued a body-worn camera,
the MBT officer shall wear it and adhere to
A. All members of the MBT shall receive annual
training. Additional training may be initiated
outside of the mandatory training at the discretion
of the MBT Commander.
B. The training shall be coordinated and conducted
by the MBT Commander or designee.