Computer hardware and software are developed for
and installed in work areas to meet the established
needs of the elements. Neither the hardware nor
software is to be changed in any way by element
personnel without the prior written approval of
the commander of the Information Technology Division
(ITD) or a designee. Use of computer hardware and
software shall comply with the Department of Information
Technology’s acceptable usage policy.
A number of computer problems have arisen
because element personnel made unauthorized
changes to computer hardware and software.
As a result of these changes, individual
computers and entire networks have been
disabled until the problems could be identified
and corrected. This has been costly both for
the elements that are without the use of their
computers and the ITD’s data processing personnel who repair the damage.
In an effort to minimize such problems in the future,
the following prohibitions are established:
A. Element personnel shall not attempt to fix
computer problems without the prior written
approval of the ITD. If a computer is not
working properly for any reason, contact the
ITD Help Desk for assistance;
B. Element personnel shall not move, exchange,
or transfer any computer hardware or software
without the prior written approval of the ITD.
In particular, do not move equipment from one
office location to another and/or software from
one network or machine to another. Movement of
computers from their assigned locations can
result in problems with mainframe port assignments,
wrong type and speed of cables for a given computer,
users being deprived of special use software that
had been made available to them, and numerous other
problems that cannot be anticipated by element
personnel who undertake such unauthorized equipment movements;
C. Element personnel shall not change, modify,
switch, or install any network or system software
configuration without the prior written approval
of the ITD. For example, do not alter, add, or
delete any programs on the hard drive of any computer;
D. Element personnel shall not load personal
software into departmental computers without
first receiving written approval from the ITD.
Such programs may work well at home but can
cause problems at the Honolulu Police Department;
E. Element personnel who develop computer programs,
macros, or automated forms for their own use shall
not transfer them or provide copies to other
departmental personnel without the prior written
approval of the ITD. Such transfers have caused
system problems for the entire department; and
F. Element personnel shall not use personal devices
that affect the proper operation of any city system
such as communications or of signals used for
cellular telephones, a Global Positioning System, and
A. Employees have no rights to or ownership
of any data contained or processed by department-
authorized computer hardware, software, peripherals, and systems.
B. There is an implied consent by employees
who directly or indirectly use department-
authorized computer-related property to have
data described above monitored, intercepted,
captured, copied, and disclosed by authorized personnel.
Violations of these prohibitions may result in
disciplinary action and/or criminal charges.
Any disciplinary action taken shall be in
accordance with applicable collective bargaining
agreements, civil service rules and regulations,
and departmental policies and procedures.
For additional information, contact the ITD Help Desk at
723-3057 or via e-mail at