The Honolulu Police Department (HPD) advocates
the professional and personal well-being of its
employees with the establishment of a Police
Chaplaincy Program.
A. The Police Chaplaincy Program offers assistance
to employees who experience work or personal
challenges or other situations and are in need of
nondenominational, spiritual support.
B. The program is a resource that is available to all
employees. An employee’s participation in the program
is strictly voluntary, and all information shared with
clergy in the program shall be kept confidential.
C. The number of clergy in the program shall be based on
the need for their services. Any change in the number
requires prior written approval of the Chief of Police.
D. Police chaplains are commissioned by the Chief of
Police as uniformed, civilian volunteers of the department.
A. The Community Affairs Division commander shall
oversee the Police Chaplaincy Program and designate
a police chaplaincy coordinator to manage the program.
B. Participation in the Police Chaplaincy Program
requires successful completion of the department’s
police chaplain training and Peer Support Unit
C. Police chaplains shall abide by the department’s
Standards of Conduct and directives while on and off
duty. Any violation of the standards or directives
shall be cause for dismissal.
A. Element commanders or their designees may contact
their police chaplains directly for any appropriate
chaplaincy services within their elements.
B. Services that are not confidential in nature (e.g.,
invocations and presentations) can be performed by
police chaplains outside of their assigned elements.
Requests shall be submitted in writing via channels
to the police chaplaincy coordinator no less than two
weeks before the event date. Each request shall
include the date, time, location, and nature of the event.
C. Departmental personnel may request chaplaincy
assistance by contacting a police chaplain directly
or the Community Affairs Division during normal
business hours. During nonbusiness hours, contact
the Communications Division’s on-duty supervisor for assistance.
D. The names of all police chaplains, their contact
telephone numbers, and their assigned elements are
listed on the Community Affairs Division’s HPD
intranet Web page under CHAPLAIN CORPS.
Police chaplains who resign in good standing
may be reappointed by completing the Human
Resources Division’s reappointment process
and with the approval of the Chief of Police.